Holly loves Rob and tries to help him through his grief – even if it means contending with his dead girlfriend Nina, who comes back, bloody and broken, every time they make love.
“Bittersweet, heartfelt, heart-breaking, thoughtful, hilarious, audacious and absolutely fantastic.”
“A startling debut, as affecting as it is daring.”
“Like the title character herself, Nina Forever is the kind of film that gets under your skin and doesn’t let go.”
“Had Richard Curtis wrote the script for a rom-com directed by David Cronenberg... Insanely unique, at times disturbing and funny, touching and poetic... Try getting it out of your head... and heart.”
“A unique portrait of grief”
“Horror has never looked so good”
“Shows the Blaines as talents not just to watch, but also to promote”
“A strikingly original British horror film... British social realist drama with a Clive Barker twist.”