BBC2 comedy series written by and starring Sara Pascoe, produced by Simon Pegg’s Stolen Picture for Sony TV, also starring Juliet Stevenson, Adrian Edmondson, Fiona Button, Cariad Lloyd, Navin Chowdhry, Sean Gilder, Tom Stuart, Scroobius Pip, Jumayn Hunter, Sheila Reid, Jack Gleeson, Cash Holland and Lorraine Ashbourne.

programme website

delicately intricate, clever and - by the end - moving... It is masterly.
— The Guardian
this series really does stretch the boundaries.
— Heat magazine
we love how, in amongst the silliness, comic Sara’s not afraid to tackle taboo subjects, and that sets this apart from other sitcoms.
— TV Times
strangely joyous... tender, sad and truthful. That takes skill.
— The Times